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Port and Terminal

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Ports and Terminals

The port is a land and sea area which allows the cargo vessels to load and land freight by sea or by river. The area is “Port boundary “, which appears after years of business model growth or reduction and is therefore defined as “human limit “. There may be more than one Port and Terminal in Port Automation.

Terminal is one facility that manages several quays, ships and ships, or cargo, which can be more than one type.


With the global freight transport, port and terminal efficiency is an important part of the global supply chain. Cargo ships costing millions of dollars must quickly turn around, bury or be unloaded. With the rapid expansion of the global merchant fleet and the expansion of vessels, these ports are under pressure to increase capacity and improve efficiency.

 “Port and terminal management takes into account all aspects of the port functions, financing, legal issues and all operational aspects of competition, equipment and marketing planning”.

Devices and Software :

Port installations are available in several forms. Heavy-load cranes, ranging from large container terminals to large container ships, are carrying more than 10,000 containers in each port; The dusty mining harbor was loaded with the largest bulk carriers and heavy ores in a few hours.

IP Camera

RFID Reader



RFID Technology for Ports & Terminals :

Suraj Informatics uses RFID technology to create a 360-degree detection area often referred to as “hazardous areas” or “collision hazards” or “around vehicles”-the discovery antenna is used to install one or more areas with a detection range of 3 to 9 meters.

How it works?

Vehicle antenna-Provides a full 360-degree detection area around the vehicle.
Vehicle Control Unit-provides a visual acoustic message for drivers identified in the worker's cab.
Employee labels-staff shall bear vehicle identification marks and warnings.